- Ranking of countries (all OECD countries with more than 5 million population plus BRICS) by total employment to population rate (15-64 age cohort) in 2011
- Ranking of countries by male employment to population rate (15-64 age cohort) in 2011
- Ranking of countries by female employment to population rate (15-64 age cohort) in 2011
- Ranking of countries by difference of male to female employment to population rate (15-64 age cohort) in 2011
- Change of employment to population rate (15-64 age cohort) between 2011 and 2001 (data for India is not available)
Large (more than 50 million population) OECD countries are colored green, medium (5 to 50 million population) blue and BRICS countries red. Countries are shown with their two digit ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes.
Top 3: Switzerland, China, Netherlands
Bottom 3: South Africa, Turkey, India
Top 3: Switzerland, China, Japan
Bottom 3: South Africa, Hungary, Spain
Top 3: Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark
Bottom 3: Turkey, India, South Africa
Top 3: Finland, Sweden, Denmark
Bottom 3: India, Turkey, Mexico
Top 3: Chile, Germany, Poland
Bottom 3: US, Portugal, China
- Switzerland with highest employment to population to population ratios by a wide margin also for females
- Hardly any change in terms of employment to population ratio in Greece or Spain during the last ten years
From Chile´s perspective it is nice to see big improvement in the last ten year, but still much to be done with current ranked in the third quartile in terms of male employment and bottom quartile regarding female employment.
Finally a word of caution: employment data is normally survey based and significant differences with other data sources (say social security) are likely.